
Raffle Report

Before the Draw

The Raffle Promoter must collect the stubs of all the tickets sold face-to-face and all the tickets sold online.

After the stubs of online tickets have been removed the ticket (the large part) should be destroyed and disposed of securely because only the stubs are needed for the draw.

Any stubs for which there is no corresponding cash payment or in the case of raffle tickets sold online, a revoked payment, should be removed and marked “Void”.

The Raffle Promoter must ensure that the stubs of all the tickets that have been sold offline are placed into the drum together with the stubs of the tickets sold in face-to-face.

Conducting the Draw

The Raffle Promoter should print a copy of this report for use by the Independent Person conducting the draw.

The Raffle Promoter must the Independent Person to draw the tickets. For each ticket the Independent Person should say,

And for {prize number} a {prize description} the winning ticket number is {number drawn from drum} bought by {winner’s name}

To find the winner’s name there are two options,

  • If the ticket was sold face-to-face then the name should be on the stub or
  • if the ticket was sold online then the winner’s name can be found in this report.

The Raffle Promoter should record the winning ticket number, the winner’s name and the prize for audit purposes.

Claiming the Prize

If the winner comes forward to claim their prize then the Raffle Promoter must

  • verify that they hold a physical ticket that matches the stub drawn OR
  • verify the the order number on the electronic ticket matches that in this report.

If the winner does not step forward to claim their prize the Independent Person must write the details of the prize on the stub and optionally tape it to the prize.

Delivering the Prize

If the winner does not claim their prize then the Raffle Promoter must contact them either using the details on the ticket stub or in this report to arrange collection or delivery.

Ticket Sales

Example ticket

Demonstration Charity
# 1
(Charity Number: 123456)
Grand Raffle Draw
Draw: 24th December 2023, St Peter's Church
Demonstration Prize A Luxury Hamper
Registered under the Gambling Act 2005 with London Borough of Lewisham 12345678
Promoted by: Rev Smith, The Rectory, Village.
Ticket Price £0.00
Electronic tickets retailed and printed by: https://supportmylocal.org/raffle-tickets

Raffle Id: 32633

(refresh table)

Order Ticket Customer Name Contact
32636#1J**** ******
32636#2J**** ******
32636#3J**** ******
32636#4J**** ******
32636#5J**** ******
32647#6J**** ******
32647#7J**** ******
32647#8J**** ******
32647#9J**** ******
32647#10J**** ******
32650#11S**** ********
32650#12S**** ********
32650#13S**** ********
32650#14S**** ********
32728#15J**** ****
32728#16J**** ****
32728#17J**** ****
32728#18J**** ****
32728#19J**** ****
32759#20M****** *****
32759#21M****** *****
32759#22M****** *****
32759#23M****** *****
32759#24M****** *****
32760#25J**** ****
32760#26J**** ****
32760#27J**** ****
32760#28J**** ****
32760#29J**** ****
32769#30d***** ********
32769#31d***** ********
32769#32d***** ********
32769#33d***** ********
32769#34d***** ********

After the Event

It is recommended that the stubs from the draw and the printed copy of this report is placed into an envelope that is sealed and signed by the Independent Person. If there is no challenge to the fairness of the draw then the envelope can be disposed of securely.

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