Please sign this letter at the bottom of the page. SMS Headmasters Signature Dear Support My School, Whereas Support My School is a fundraising service for schools that makes regular donations to schools and parent associations (the Beneficiary) who introduce advertisers to its small business marketing service. and, The Beneficiary would like to receive regular donations from Support My School and is willing to put effort into regularly marketing the website to parents. Brand I give permission for Support My School to use the school’s name and logo on the Support My School website and in its own widgets on advertisers’ websites. I understand that I can remove this permission at any time without penalty. No Contract I understand that, The school and parent teacher association have no contractual obligation to perform any marketing activity Support My School has no contractual obligation to make any donation Termination The School or Parent Association may leave the system at any time and all branding will be removed. Support My School may at its own discretion remove any school from the system at any time. Application Details School Name Hogwinds School of Magic School URL Head Teacher Albert Dunderhead, Beneficiary Friends of Hogwinds Organisation Type A Parent’s Organisation (PTA) 1 Payment Details For Donations Marketing Contact (who will have an account on Support My School) Phillius Fogg, Approval I hereby approve this application to join the Support My School website. {signed online using the secure link} Albert Dunderhead Approver of Hogwinds School of Magic Electronic Signature Type your signature, we will also record the date, time and IP number of the computer that you are using. Sign